Click to Watch a Quick Video

with Liz Thogerson, creator of Buy A Better Bra

What's Inside Buy A Better Bra:

    1. Welcome Message from Liz

    2. Course Objectives + What To Expect

    1. 3 HUGE Bra Myths

    2. Anatomy of a Bra (It Matters!)

    3. The 4 Cup Styles You Need To Know

    1. Measure (Correctly!) for a Bra

    2. Troubleshooting For A Perfect Fit

    1. Shop The Better Bra Catalog

    2. 5 Types of Bras You Should Own

    1. Bra Care: The Do's & Don't's

    1. The Next Steps For You

    2. Work With Me: Book Your 30-Minute Discovery Call

  • $29.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

From Stay-at-Home Mom to Style CEO

2016  ↔️  2023

I used to think that I needed to be in-the-know, thin, and wealthy to like the way I looked in clothes. 

I also believed that caring about the way I looked said something about my depth of character...and not in a good way.

So, I aimed to make sure I looked like I didn't care. It was easy to do, because I actually didn't. I had all but given up.

That was 7 years ago, and my life today couldn't look or feel more different.

Once I started treating clothing like a science, and learned to break the rules like an artist, I discovered I couldn't have been more wrong about ME.

The effort I put into my appearance had an exponential payoff in my ability to live in accordance to my values, and let my unique gifts and talents spill out generously into the world. 

As it turns out, being fabulous has absolutely nothing to do with being cool, thin, or rich. But more on that later...

Let's serve those curves!

I've dressed hundreds of women...

...and it is my unwavering believe that a well-fitting, high-quality bra is by far the most transformative item of clothing a woman can own.

Buy A Better Bra is for you, if you...

  • Can't remember your last fitting

    Neglecting your self-care is so 2020. Was that when you last bought a bra? It's time to reclaim your body's needs and THRIVE.

  • Are experiencing body changes

    You deserve a perfect fit. Easily learn to achieve the best possible support now, and at any size you may be in the future.

  • Want to invest in quality, lasting pieces

    You have a desire to buy the right thing, take care of it, and make it last. Buy A Better Bra shows you how!

Sick of gapping, stabbing, squeezing, slipping, frumpy bras?

(Not to mention uni-boob...)

Only $29 stands between you and a shapely, sexy, supported silhouette... So, what are you waiting for?